Sunday, February 19, 2012


Can i start it wit a smile? :)

Entah kenapa rasa nak senyum je mlm ni. Terukir senyuman di luar, menyembunyikan kebenaran di dalam. It's been a while since i write sumthing..

A call, decide everything. Yeah, everything. Awk call sy untuk dptkn kepastian, sy bagi jawapan yang awk mahu. Ini bukan sebab awk, atau sesiapa pun. Ini keputusan saya. Saya rasa da tiba masa sy kaburkan awk & lupakn mimpi2 kita...

Dear, it's been too long it stand as 'unpredictable'. Hari ni baik, esok gaduh, lepas tu beberapa hari baik semula then gaduh lagi. Kn? Terus terang, sy da penat. Maaf, i can't take it anymore. I'm the worse rite? Ok. Let me tell u the worse one, i dun love u 'a period of time'. In fact, i hate wut u doing. I hate the most when u force me to do sumthing. U can't control me my girl. :)

Sakit hati? Serius, da lma sy rsa mcm tu. Saya benci bila awk mula tetapkn apa yg perlu sy lakukan. Sy adalah sy. Jujur, sy rasa biase je kalau tak text awk. U're not my number one anymore. U not b the person who i used to hope the most anymore. There's no doubt bout my feeling towards u, but it does fade away. Selama ni, sy rindukn awk yg dulu. Sy harapkn 'awk' akn muncul semula. Tp, sy hanya boleh senyum je bila pikirkn hal yg 'mustahil' tu. :)

Sy sakit awk.. Sakit dengan perasaan bila awk decide utk tak percayakn sy lagi. Sakit bila ungkitkn kesilapan masa lalu saya. Hati sy menangis, fikiran sy kucar-kacir, harapan sy hancur tiap kali awk timbulkan perkara sebegitu. Akhirnya, kini saya mengerti apa yg ada di fikiran awk selama ini. Awk takkan pernah percayakn saya. Jgn ungkapkn kepercayaan hanya melalui perkataan.. :)

Sy tak faham kenapa awk terlalu ikutkn perasaan awk mengenai org lain? Susah ke nak percaya apa yg sy cakap? Kenapa awk selalu bangkitkn hal tu? Sy buntu.. Takpe. Sekarang awk fikir la ape yg awk mahu sbb sy da tak kisah semua tu. Cuma 1 perkara yg awk perlu tahu, sejak kita bersma smula, tak pernah terdetik di hati atau fikiran sy untuk mencari org lain. Kalau dulu sy tersilap, kini sy cuba betulkan kesilapan sy. Tapi awk tak percayakn sy. Sy kecewa... Dikala saya berusaha menjadi yg terbaik, awk membuat sy dihantui dengan masa lalu... Awk tolak saya jatuh disaat saya cuba bangun semula...

Macam mna sy nk mnjadi yg terbaik jika saya hilang harapan? Awk cakap sy tak pernah sayangkn awk. Awk ckp sy tak pernah fikirkn tentang awk. Hrmmm.. Saya tersenyum lagi. :)

Walaupun sy tak text awk hari-hari, tak bermakna sy tak kisah ape awk buat. Tak bermakna sy tak pedulikan awk. Cuma, sy terkilan bila awk bandingkn kasih syg sy terhadap awk melalui kekerapan sy text/call awk. Kalau sy tak text awk hari ni, maksudnya sy tak syg awk utk hari ni la? :)

Takpe la. Fikiran awk, suka hati awk la nk fikir mcm mna pun kn? Cuma, dun b too negative to ur special one next time. He maybe dislike it. U are the brightest star in my life, and i'll kept it in different way. For a thousand years :)

1 comment:

  1. =) i wanna start this wit a smile too.

    dear you, that call is too end something that we already end it, a long long time ago. we decided it. we. both of us are tired. #thank you for the 'Worst' statement. i appreciate it.

    it's okay to hate me and yeahh i'm not your number one anymore. wut i feel for you is indifference. if what i am to you and what we had is just a cold and brutal reminder of what kind of person we really are, so be it. if that was the only reason God put you and i together then i accept it.

    trust? years to earn and seconds to break. once, twice, trice you break it and its not easy to earn it again. if i dun trust u,i wont give u all the chances.

    maybe i jarang nak ckp perkataan ni, but i pun 'kecewa', i did. Bcoz... no matter how hard i try, i never be good enough for you.

    again, i dun aspect or ask u to text me everyday but if we contact each other 1 time in a month, something seems not right.

    i have nothing left to say. u already happy wit your life and continue all your day wit a big smile. its good though. lastly, dat song means much to me.

    miss july 12th.
